The 'game' of entrepreneurship is riddled with problems. It manifests itself in the form of capital shortages, obstacles, difficult employees, failed bids, failure to launch etc. Some would not be mistaken to say that the 'peace' in the life of an entrepreneur is merely a pause between problems. Some had even taken the pain to re-label problems as 'situations' to soften the negative connotation they seem to deliver.
But really, problems are opportunities and the bigger the problem, the bigger the opportunity. You don't believe me? Ask Vinod Kosla, founder of Sun Microsystem and a venture capitalist, for those words came from his mouth. It took a while for me to absorb them then, but as i began to look at my problem from an opportunistic angle, I saw the logic and truth.
Problems are simply difficult situations faced by either you or someone else. It is either your (our) problem or their problem. And we will begin by looking at other people's problem, them.
This situation is easy to relate. The problem of others presents an opportunity for you to solve it, creating value and hence be remunerated. It is a no brainer; all inventions solved some problems that existed before they were invented. Problem creates a need, a vacuum, that needs to be satisfied and anyone who satisfies the need shall be rewarded.
There are true and tested method to break down these problems and provide solutions, through various problem solving methodologies (analytical, design thinking etc). This concept of 'other people's problem is your opportunity' is really easy to grasp. But when we are facing the problem ourself, this concept suddenly does not make sense!
Where is the opportunity when my problem is that I do not have enough capital to launch all my projects? What is the opportunistic angle when people are not buying my product? How can losing a contract be an opportunity?
This is again a simple case of missing the forest for the trees. Since you are immersed inside the problem itself, you would naturally find it difficult to see the outlines of opportunities in your pitiful state. And the solution is again simple; for you are the 'other person with a problem' to someone else. you merely need to see your problem and yourself from a third party's point of view.
Problems are opportunities for us to be amazing. On top of rising above the problem and solving it, you can leverage on the problem you are facing to strengthen your resolve and character, do some soul searching and invoke your creative self. Problems force you to take breaks to re-look and re-strategize.
Muslim should be able to handle this better than the rest for Allah had already pre-warned us of tests that would befall us. And we are not supposed to be in despair but instead be strong, steadfast and turn to Allah for guidance, strength and success. InsyaAllah, our resolve and faith in Allah would be the calming strength that would empower us as we WORK OUR WAY TO SOLVE our problem.
Work is work and the conventional means of overcoming a problem must be applied still. But being a Muslim, each step of conflict resolution is strengthened.
For example, one of the most important qualities required to solve a problem is calm. For serenity is the ideal environment for creativity, producing ideas that would remove the problem. And we Muslims are empowered with Solat and Dua's that do wonders to instill calm unto a troubled soul. Calmness is the matter of the heart, and the heart is Allah's domain exclusively.
The troubling, uneasy feelings that stem from problems are worldly. In the entrepreneurial context, we would fret on how our problem would affect our rezqi (or those of our family) or our reputation. But have we not listened? Allah said that He determines the rezqi and He alone will elevate or shame as He will. Your rezqi will be taken care by Allah, it is there, just not now. Have faith and you will have the strength to overcome your problem.
Anyway, it is not like this is the first time you had a problem. You got out of your problems before and InsyaAllah, you will get out of this rut too. But this time, find the hidden opportunity.
I have this exercise which helped me tremendously. I keep a list of some major problems that I faced in the past as well as problems of others that sought my help. And beside each problem, I wrote down what were the opportunities then and how the problem was solved. So each time I have a new problem I would write it down under the last problem and wonder what words should I fill in the column next to it. Rest assured the 'opportunity' column would have an answer, just like many of those before it, I just need to pray and find what it is.
Contemporary and cutting edge thinking and methodologies are vital for a smart entrepreneurs today. We need to be progressive; with qualities, skills and knowledge equal to those in the west, east, north and south. We also believe that Islam and its attributes are timeless. And that the essential qualities of a great entrepreneur are empowered by the fundamentals of Islam, not compromised. May Allah guide my thoughts and hands as I type. Copyright: HamzahHarun Entrepreneurship Studies
"Entrepreneurship is an opportunity to be amazing" Muhamad Yazdi
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